My Focus

1 year ago

The cultural storms are rolling in quickly and they are strong enough to capsize us in our soul! In times such as these, we can’t be distracted by these storms, we need to keep our eyes on Jesus. We don’t want to end up beached! We can’t look to people, they can’t help us. People can’t fix what is happening in times such as these. Jesus is the Fixer! Jesus knows about these storms and He knows how to right our keel, He knows how to save us. Jesus can bring our boat upright and cause us to be able to navigate the rough waters of our culture in times such as these where there is so much cultural chaos as the storms roll in, one after the other, pounding everything we are used to and making our lives abnormal. Change is happening in our society.

There isn’t one thing that hasn’t gone up in price, everything costs more and you get less. More for less! Except God’s economy is the opposite, He gives us more and increases our provision too. There is nothing that deters God in taking care of us. He is a good Shepherd. Today, we will have everything we need. There isn’t much that isn’t shaking in our society, everything that can shake is being uprooted and there is nothing really that is secure as change is rapidly taking place. It is hard to even recognize our nations, the enemy of our soul is devastating our culture.

What now? We stay anchored to Jesus, Who is a strong anchor and He changes not. Our future in Christ Jesus is secure, unshakeable, and guaranteed. Jesus and His Word should be our focus as we ride out these cultural storms. Remember, God is in the storm, there is no one who has usurped His authority and He has not released His authority over us to anyone. God is in control.
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