Quick Art Project: Momma Bear

1 year ago

Well here I go again with a quick art sketch. Today, I have had this ongoing backstory and picture my brain has hyper-fixated on. I really had to get her one to paper and out of my head.

I realize there are not to many characters out there that are moms in media. As a mom, kind of annoys me how women are portrayed. I want to bring to life an character that represents the momma bear in most women…something that can catch the essence of the mom who lifts a car off her child…that momma bear.

She rocks a messy bun and uses a caste iron pan of justice to protect her family. She doesn’t have a name yet…but I think she will come to life more when she is painted.

Y’all know I am a better painter than drawing artist, so stay tuned I think she is going to be one of my favorite art pieces yet :)

Before I paint her…you can join me on the sketch journey.

Side quest: I HATE these colored pencils…they don’t shade like I want them to and they are not pigmented enough. Maybe it is a combination of this art pad and these pencils…but I hate them.

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