(Audio Book) The Iron Republic | Florida Magazine January 1902 - Antarctica Massive Ice Wall Passageway

1 year ago

The Iron Republic tells an extraordinary story of Mr. E.W. Barrington’s sea journey in the late 1800’s to Antarctica where he found a passageway through the massive ice wall, and a highly developed civilization, both technologically and socially speaking.

“Either as fact or fiction, it is a rare story and presents an ideal of society and government that will make the average reader long to be a citizen of the newly discovered Iron Republic.

“Instantly all was commotion, for a ship on a shore without wind is in as perilous condition as a steamer with a broken wheel. The bow anchor was quickly cleared and the lead cast, but there was no bottom and so to cast anchor would be useless. The current had now caught us and there was nothing for it but to head straight into the opening, or be broken to pieces on the icy promontories that stood out like Scylla and Charybdis on either hand. My heart bounded as we passed between the towering ice walls, and I felt a thrill of excitement such as Columbus must have experienced when the long looked for Antilles lifted on his expectant vision.”
With this number begins the remarkable narrative of Mr. E. W. Barrington, entitled "The Iron Republic.” It may be unnecessary for the Magazine to disclaim any responsibility for the truth of this extraordinary story. The writer claims to have absolute and demonstrable evidence of the truth of the article on board his vessel now lying in Tampa Bay; but we have not had the opportunity to inspect these proofs. It is only fair to Mr. Barrington to say, that he invites the public to come aboard his ship and see for themselves. Either as fact or fiction it is a rare story and presents an ideal of society and government that will make the average reader long to be a citizen of the newly discovered Iron Republic.

PDF download: https://pdfcoffee.com/qdownload/the-iron-republic-pdf-free.html

Video Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/WF3B335NQZNR/

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