Negative Exposure Edit - MOJAVE TRIANGLE UAP Released by Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp

1 year ago

Information related to the video released by Jeremy states the following:

Investigative journalists Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp obtained and are revealing for the first time, exclusive footage of a UFO hovering over an active United States military base. This event is considered a “mass UFO sighting” - with significant and diverse documentation in the form of videos, photos and recorded direct eyewitness testimony by active military personnel. The audio/visual content presented here was collected within hours after the UAP encounter.


DATE / TIME - 20 April 2021 / 8:20pm to 9:30pm PST

LOCATION - The Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms - Camp Wilson.

DURATION - Approximately 10 minutes.

CASE TYPE - Mass UFO sighting / 50+ direct eyewitnesses.



SHAPE : Triangle by angle of observation.

SOUND : Silent.

SIZE : Estimations are between half the size of a football field and a three bedroom two story house.


8:20pm : Craft appeared.

8:24pm : First known iPhone recordings.

8:29pm : Illumination rounds were discharged above the UAP craft. This was recorded.

8:30pm : The UAP was reported to “blink out” or “disappear” just before the the illumination rounds approached useful proximity to the unidentified craft.

RESPONSE - There was a significant air and ground response for approximately three hours after this mass sighting; presumed by witnesses to be a search and reconnaissance effort.


When looking at the screen shot provided, the dots appeared to look like they might be a full sized triangle craft, however after looking at it under negative exposure - I did not note a triangle craft but 5 individual lights.

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