_____ EXPOSED! (said ____ goes to work the next day) from ag's lost twitter account

1 year ago

what does it mean to grift
we don't name names cos there's no point
is your method actually working, son
there are plenty of people online in general
i forget how big of a place the internet is
w(6)orld W(6)IDE w(6)eb
are they telling on themselves and only the mentally befuddled would notice
nobody has much of a personality anymore
various reasons to self-mutilate
remember when kids would cut themselves to fit in...miss those days
it always gets worse every year
when the R won't address certain issues the L will seize the opportunity
the tv is what did this country in but they'll talk about everything else
this world is already questionable enough
it's almost as if they believe in God
this is the age of tom foolery
everybody is just saying the same thing thinkin that it's so unique
and then i just abruptly end the video by mistake haha sari vortex

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