L.A. Dodgers & MLB Cave to the Alphabet Mafia, Invite Anti-Christian Group to ‘Pride Night’ | Ep 451

1 year ago

The LGBTQIA+ Alphabet Mafia can fly the “Mission Accomplished” flag above the sports world. They won. Yesterday, the Los Angeles Dodgers officially surrendered on behalf of the wide world of sports. The Dodgers apologized to the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of gay men who mock religious faith by dressing as Catholic nuns, women who dedicate their entire lives to God and to the service of their fellow man. A week ago, the baseball franchise bowed to the outrage of Catholics and disinvited the blasphemous group of drag queens to the organization’s annual “Pride Night.” Now, caving to pressure from the woke mob, the Dodgers have again invited the demonic group back to Chavez Ravine. Not only has the sports world favored sexual and gender ideology over religious freedom, but it has also turned its back on the founders. “You realize who organized sports? It wasn’t lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders, and queers. It was the Young Men’s Christian Association. The YMCA.” Jason says today’s athletes would rather ally with the Alphabet Mafia than with Christians. “Professional sports are the wrong platform to mock religious faith. ... It’s blasphemous on a baseball diamond, a football field, and a basketball court.” Jason welcomes Timothy Gordon and Dr. Taylor Marshall to discuss the Dodgers' disregard for the Catholic community. Delano Squires joins “Fearless” to discuss Voddie Baucham’s excellent sermon on the LGBTQ agenda. And now that the Lakers have been swept from the NBA playoffs by Denver, it’s time to start discussing LeBron James and his retirement. Steve Kim joins Jason for that conversation.

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