High Treason Committed by Top FBI/CIA/NSA C/P Needs to be used!

1 year ago

“The FBI interfered in the 2016 election to help Hillary Clinton and hurt Donald Trump. We know that the Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation was a HOAX that should never of happened, and that the Justice Department and FBI FAILED to follow the law!”
Steve Hilton

America, high treason has been displayed openly here in America! Capital punishment should be the minimum punishment on all actors and put disappearance in the overthrow of the President of the United States of America!

The military tribunal should be set up any initiated, enacted, immediately NO players arrested and sent to Guantánamo Bay Cuba distain to answer further high treasonous actions!

If you have any comments please then below!~ Ah, are you for this or against it; are you for America or against America?

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