FLATEARTH, #Operationpaperclip #Projectfishbowl #NASALIES #Satanicworship #Ericdubay

1 year ago

Posted on FB By: Consciousness Expansion Movement - 12/14/2021 ·
The four seasons and weather on a flat earth can be easily explained and understood, and it perfectly explains what we actually see and experience.
The sun is close and small and circles around and above the flat earth in a spiral pattern on the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Summer months, and then down to the Tropic of Capricorn in the Northern Winter Months. So when the sun is further away from the North Pole, it’s winter in the north and summer in the south.
In the winter months as the sun circles on the Tropic of Capricorn it moves faster because it has farther to go in a 24 hour period. So that is why in winter the days are shorter and the sun is farther down in the sky, because it is father away on the Tropic of Capricorn.
The sun’s movement above flat earth also explains the 24-hour days in the summer and the endless nights in winter near the North Pole. As the sun circles around the flat earth on the Tropic of Cancer, it is visible 24 hours a day to those who live near the center of its daily circle.
The flat earth is an enclosed terrarium in which the sun’s path, the environment, and water create the water cycle of respiration, evaporation, and precipitation. This makes perfect sense on a flat enclosed earth with a small, close sun creating constant temperature changes as it circles above and around the flat earth.
These constant changes create weather. Weather is created by the close heat of the sun as it heats the water and the air. Masses of warm and cold air then move from place to place, creating winds. Because the sun is a close, small heat source, the water and air heat up fast and the cool down again as the sun moves away at night time. The constant heating and cooling of the air and water inside the enclosed flat earth terrarium create constant air movement and weather changes.
This also creates changes in day and night temperatures and the drastic temperatures and changes we see in the seasons throughout the year.
One of the most common questions about the Flat Earth is how does the sun rise and set if the earth is flat. The answer is perspective.
The sun is close and small and circles around the flat earth on the Tropic of Cancer in the summer and then moves to the Tropic of Capricorn in the winter, creating the seasons. The circling of the sun also creates day and night because the sun is small and illuminates locally.
The way our vision works makes everything converge to a single vanishing point on the flat horizon, including airplanes and the sun. Artists understand this. Airplanes appear to drop below the horizon when in reality they are flying level to the flat earth and never dip their noses down to account for any supposed curve. It's the same with the sun. It is moving across the sky on a flat circular path but it appears to rise and fall due to perspective
As the sun moves away, due to perspective on a plane, it appears to drop down as it converges on the vanishing point.
When the sun rises in the morning its light is just coming into view. The sun's light then follows it as it journeys away from you, appearing to descend below the horizon. In reality it is not "going down" but moving away from you and going beyond the line of convergence and your eyesight. It takes it's light with it. You can clearly see this in time lapse videos of the sun moving away, causing a sunset.
If the sun was 93 million miles away the light would fade evenly on the horizon. This is depicted in NASA's animation of the ISS watching s sunset. In reality, however, this is NOT what we see. Instead of a distant sun creating an evenly fading sunset, we see a small light source illuminating locally and taking its light with it as it moves away from our side of flat earth.
In Alaska day and night can both be seen at the same time because the location allows the viewer to see both the dark side of the flat earth and the light side. Everything we see is because we live on a flat earth. The endless days in Alaska are also because the sun is circling around the North Pole on the Tropic of Cancer in the summer.
The sun rising and setting is just the close small sun moving away on the flat earth and illuminating locally. Everything we see converges on the flat horizon to a vanishing point. The sun is small and is only lighting up half the earth at a time.
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