You are a trophy! A treasure to be celebrated! The parable of the lost sheep!

1 year ago

Finding one makes Him happy (The lost sheep Matthew 18:11-14, Luke 15:1-7)
Have you ever collected an item and you are a few items shy of making your collection complete? It can drive you crazy, I know some men who collect shotguns and for years I have seen them chasing leads to find the one gun that would complete their collection and give them the whole set. They are passionate about it and are willing to spend the money, time, and effort to find what they are looking for so when they finally lay their hands on what they have been seeking for, it is time to rejoice. Forget all the other shotguns that they have in their collection, this one gun brings them the most joy because it is the one they have sought, they did not have and now they do. In verse 13 of the parable of the lost sheep it says that the shepherd rejoices more for the found sheep than for the ninety and nine that did not stray off. There is great joy in finding something that you desire and have been searching for and we must realize the value all of us have in God’s eyes. Isaiah 53:6 says that we are all just like the lost sheep, we have all strayed off from God and went on our own path but despite this God still wanted us back. So much so that He was willing to send His only begotten Son to suffer and die for our sins.
When I think of rejoice over the one who was lost, I cannot help but think of the story of the prodigal son from Luke chapter 15. Everyone including his other son could not understand why the father would be so joyous and happy for the return of the son who could not wait to get away from the family. They could not see why the father was so happy the disobedient and rebellious son had returned home but the father knew exactly why. In Luke 15:32 he says he must celebrate because your bother was dead and now, he is alive again, he was lost and know he is found. The father had regained His son, and this made Him ecstatic, and a celebration had to take place. This is the way that God the Father fills when one of His children who went astray realizes the error of their way and returns home. The dead is now alive and the lost is now found, this is a reason to celebrate what I did not have, I now have. God’s heart is that all his lost sheep/children are found, He wants to reconcile His relationship with every single one of them. No one is outside of this love as Jesus Christ died for “whosoever believe in Him.” (John 3:16)

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