THE UNVACCINATED - "Nobody is Safe!"

1 year ago

May 22, 2023

fear is the time-honored tool of the demagogue and has of late been increasingly harnessed by those who would seek power and profit.

the size, scope, and reach of these fear campaigns is unparalleled in human history. they can be difficult to see from the inside, often those affected are too busy being frightened to perceive the simple, rote repetition and the relentless, evidence-free assertion of “factiness” that twists perceptions into hallucinations by simple weight of numbers.

this is why they say the same things again and again, why they embed them in every context, and why they come at you every day from every angle to make these conjured hobgoblins appear ubiquitous and the consensus about them seem perfect.

dissent is branded “denialism” and that small amount of disagreement that does manage to get through is drowned in torrents of talking points argued as endless assertion until no other sounds remain in the public consciousness.

this video has been going around twitter etc. it’s wild to watch it all in one place. see how much you can get through before you have to turn it off.

then imagine how much you probably saw over 3 years and what it does to one’s sense of the world.

truly, this was milspec psyop (provocatively kicked off when debbie birx came to the white house from the national security advisor) and a full society scale derangement ensued.

it may be the densest concentration of weapons grade propaganda messaging in human history. but i would argue it is not the largest and that there is another one that puts it in the shade.

you cannot read any newswire, newspaper, watch TV, movies, read, anyhting without finding global warming embedding. it’s just everyplace and ubiquitous and the whole “the science is settled” claptrap really gained currency here.

but is this a genuine movement or is it bought and paid for astroturfing and marketing? does everyone really feel this way or are small groups being paid (and well) to push a viewpoint that happens to help those aspiring to power to control half the world through energy, emissions, and regulatory reach and that provides massive subsidy and profits for a vast set of corporate machinery that profits from the green grift?

many had simply assumed that the “AP” in “AP news” simply stood for “Always Partisan.”

what if, instead, it stands for “Affordable Propaganda”?

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