How to Disappear Completely

1 year ago

A Short Film About Dustification

Two 110 storey towers with a height of 1,368 feet, and a 47 storey building with a height of 589 feet, WTC 3 and 4 all turned to dust and dispersed over the whole of lower Manhattan and out to sea.

These were all world class buildings, very well designed, and very well constructed.

Just think of all that structural high grade concrete, and all the internal material, heavy elevator machinery, electrical gear, transformers, plumbing, water tanks, office furniture. All gone in seconds, practically atomised.

And two jet airliners are supposed to have done this.?

This is no terrorist attack, or demolition job, or nukes.

People need to wake up, and find out WHAT really happened on 9/11.

Video credit: project3ss -

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