Sonic Frontiers 2023-05-21 16-34-36.mp4

1 year ago

Hello there friend. It's been quite a long, and interesting journey, hasn't it?
You've come a long way to get to this point, and I commend you for that. Still, we have a bit of ways to go before you discover the secret ultimate epic prize waiting at the end of this internet journey!
For the next step, its a bit of an easy one. Simply follow this link:
It will take you to the next part of the hunt!
Also, if you have no clue what I'm talking about, then woah bro! Better head on over to the True Blue Youtube channel and subscribe (or subscribe to the channel of the same name on Rumble, that works too.)
Then watch all the videos on that channel, and share it around to your friends, etc!
Also props to you for finding this video, if you have literally no clue what I'm talking about here lol!

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