How To Script Your Life...

1 year ago

Get the Water Here ⬇️:

Alternative reality diary. Write in it as if that is your life now. Write down the experiences, relationships, things you have. Be very specific. Smallest of details you can imagine. As if you’re putting a movie into words. Paint the pictures in your head. Print out pictures of things, experiences, the lifestyle you want and glue them into this journal. Read over this journal every week and add to it. The purpose for this exercise is to create a positive magnetic energy field around you to attract only the things you want and repel the things you don’t want. The more vivid you envision something the more energy is created in the brain. The more active it gets. So if you constantly visualise those things, your subconscious will work towards those things without you even thinking about it and it will almost seem as if stuff is happening in your life without an explanation. Just magic. This works because your brain can’t tell the difference between when you visualise something or if something is happening to you in real life. So if you keep visualising, a certain lifestyle a certain achievement, a certain goal, a certain materialistic thing and you’re walking about your day, not even thinking about the item or thing that you thought about your subconscious mind will automatically react more towards the things that will get you to the final goal, because your brain sends energy to the brain, to the body, it’s more reactive to that thing that looks more familiar then if it was not familiar. The more familiar with it, more brain activity happens, more activity occurs with the quantum physics around you in the energy fields, because when your brain subconsciously sees something that’s familiar, because of your visualisations, it’s going to take more action and be more reactive than to the things that you didn’t visualise about because it’s not as familiar. And when you’re walking about your day when you do certain actions in your conscious mind, it might not seem it has anything to do with getting you closer to the things that you visualise about but your subconscious does and that way by visualising by journalling about an alternative lifestyle that will happen in the future, you will achieve your goals.

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