This Is What A Psychopathic Narcissist Traits Looks Like

1 year ago

Now knowing she played me and decided to lie, deceives my family going to break their hearts, giving them false hope,  only to look back at the security cameras to see theft, lies, and nothing by phone calls from her 56 yr old ass boyfriend who’s from Cali that’s honestly weird AF. Creep puts a wedding ring on her finger as she found that to be really weird. Telling me my Ring fits better. However she played both of us getting what she wanted and this other dude well he’s okay with sharing. As rumor is paying her is the way to keep a girl who’s 20 yrs younger than this dude.

Had to involve the cops as she told me she would be right back. And the stories she’s told me about this guy really concerns me. Either way she’s fine now but over all played with me so bad she’s crossed the line. Overall I’m an idiot to believe a psychopath narcissist traits that were so easily manipulated. I didn’t think she had it in her. But OMG. I WAS wrong. God help her.

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