WHAT THESE TEXANS DID... was incredible.

1 year ago

Meet My Neighbor Productions visits the Goodnight Historic home and Herd Wear store in the panhandle of Texas while filming "Native the prodigies of an icon" a documentary about the resurgence of the American bison.

NATIVE | The Prodigies of an Icon https://bison.meetmyneighbor.org is a documentary following the history of bison up through its modern life. The film is supported by the following:

Grant Partner
National Buffalo Foundation

Platinum Sponsors
Great Range Brand Bison
Sierra Meat & Seafood Durham Ranch
Mosquito Park Buffalo
Canadian Rangeland Bison

Gold Sponsors
The Buffalo Wool Co
Bigelow Fields
Dakota Pure Bison
Texas Bison Association
777 Bison Ranch
Tesoro Ranch
#texas #texasrancher #bison #bisonbison #buffalo #buffalove #ranch #ranchlife

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