Heaven Land Devotions - The Divine Selah's Of God

1 year ago

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There are times in the lives of many people that they feel they cannot go on. They are tired of fighting, tired of sorrow, tired of being invisible, tired of existing. Their souls are tired and they find that they no longer know what to do anymore. It is a stark place. I have been there before and know how it feels.

But it was then that God brought His mysterious walls around me. His divine Selah came upon me, and a sense of quietness entered in like the quietness of the Temple. I became silent and stopped doing everything. I chose to do nothing, and I knew God was doing something around me. His Presence was real.

He wanted me to pause from doing everything and gave me the grace to be quiet. I felt the loving pressure of His guiding hand upon me. All the hard pounding spiritual pleadings, pacing around, fastings, and ceaseless warring was halted.

These divine Selah's of God can last for a day, a week, or even months depending on what He is doing in a persons life. There is a real lifting up and a strange kind of elevating peace felt by this Selah-retreat.

If you have prayed to God saying, "I can find no way out!" I would say of course you cannot, but the Father will carry you out.

The word is, "The Lord thy God bare thee...in all the way that ye went, until ye came to this place, "the place of "munitions of rocks," where your bread shall be given you and your waters sure. Let God bring you into His divine Selah within His mysterious walls of love. Selah...

“Bare heights of loneliness...a wilderness whose burning winds sweep over glowing sands, what are they to HIM? Even there He can refresh us, even there He can renew us.” ― Amy Carmichael

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