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What! I Didn't Say That!

1 year ago

What! I Didn't Say That!

May 20th, 2023

Well, my dear family, we have caught the enemy in the act! And you are going to get a demonstration of just how he uses communication between two people, how he puts a demon with filters in between two people to cause the other person to totally misunderstand exactly what was said to them, and to give them a sucker punch.

So, here is what happened: I was recording a message, and the phone rang, and I saw that it was a person that I know, it is important to answer the phone, so I kind of hesitated for a minute and I thought, ‘what should I do?’ I kind of panicked, I thought, ‘should I stop recording, should I call him back’, so I decided ‘I better answer it.’ And the recording was going on while I was answering it, but it took me a minute to figure out what I was supposed to do.

Well, apparently, that awkward moment was translated when I answered the phone into irritation to the other person, and they perceived that I was angry with them. Of course, I was not angry with them, I was still struggling, ‘did I do the right thing?’ But it is interesting because I caught the whole conversation on tape.

Later, I spoke to him, and he said, “I know you were angry at me.” And I said, “What? I was not angry at you.” “Well, I know you were angry at me.” And I said, “Wait a minute. I have recorded this whole conversation when you called, I still have it, I did not delete it. I want you to listen to this and tell me if you still think I was angry at you when I answered the phone.” So, that is how this conversation ensued, and I would really like you to hang on to this one, because this is the devil’s tactics with everyone.

So, this was the phone call:

Caller: Pick up a yellow and black light from the first place where we were stuck, and a piece of metal with a pulley. They were left right by the stuckzone, and they have completely vanished.

Mother Clare: No, but I would call-um-I would call Brother Leo and find out if he picked them up and set them aside.

Now, I was just a little concerned because I did not hear that he had gotten that communication, so, I said to him, “If that is ok Mike, I am recording a message right now.” Now I did not hear an answer from him, so I did not know if it was ok or not. But I just went ahead, back to recording.

Well, he came in about an hour later and we discovered that he heard something totally different than what I said to him. I could tell from his voice and what he said that I was angry with him, but something was not translated right, because I was not angry with him. So, fortunately we recorded the whole thing, and he got a chance to listen to it. And after he listened to it, he said, “I have no idea how I got the impression that you were angry at me. I did not hear that at all.” He was shocked! So, here is what he had to say:

Brother Mike: “When I called on the radio, Patrick and I had spent an hour and a half getting tools and ropes and lines and connectors and tree savers together, we could not find one last part. So, we had-that first night a light went missing that we put on the ground, and I thought someone picked it up, thinking we forgot it. So, I thought the same thing happened to this one piece that we needed to complete-What we needed to pull the tractor out.

“So, I called Clare on the radio, and I knew they were in prayer, but it was a little bit later, so I figured they were done. And she answered and said, ‘maybe call Leo, he might know.’ And that was fine, and I asked her again, ‘Does anybody in the room-did anybody say yes?’ And her response sounded so annoyed, almost disgusted that I would even call at that time, and I just put the radio down, I looked at Patrick, and we kind of–we just did not get it-and right away I just-I cleaned up for the night because it was getting dark.

“But it sounded different. Then I come to her house later and I wrote to her about it, I talked to her on the phone about it, and she brought it up, she did not know why I would have thought that. So, I came down and she recorded that because she was recording when I made the call. It sounds nothing like what I heard on the radio. Not even remotely close. There is no tone, there is no disgust, but I know what I heard, and it was totally different, and we are bringing this up because it is a very good example, especially being recorded, of what the enemy is capable of to cause misunderstandings and cause division, and we know he does this, but this is the first time we have had an opportunity to have dead proof.

“I would have sworn to God that what she said to me earlier was out there, not herself at all, but in the end, she recorded it, and she did-she was not in any way unkind or impatient with me at all, but I thought she was upset with me, severely, because of the way she spoke on the radio when this happened.

“So, it is a good example of what the enemy can do, we got together and talked about it, and it has kind of blown my mind because this is, uh, this is proof, I know what I heard, and this is not what I heard, so the enemy is either changing my hearing or changing her voice at that moment. I do not really understand it, but hopefully this will help a lot of you to be very careful before you think what somebody else said or did that might have offended you when in fact, they may have not done such a thing.

”Mother Clare: That will be my next message.
Brother Mike: Wow! That is freaky.
Mother Clare: I know.
Brother Mike: It is just disturbing.
Mother Clare: It has been going on for such a long time, it is about time we finally got a grip on it.
Brother Mike: Well, I am sure the Lord allowed this, for that reason. And I am deflated right now, because it has been so hard, it hit me extra hard. And that is what I did not like, and I am like, ‘why is this bothering me?’
Mother Clare: It was a sucker punch.
Brother Mike: Yeah!
Mother Clare: Ah!
Brother Mike: It is a-you just sounded-Oh, my gosh, I wish I had a recorder.
Mother Clare: Yeah. Well, we got it now.
Brother Mike: That, well, that probably would havenever happened on the other side, that was so different.
Mother Clare: No.
Brother Mike: And I was in a good frame of mind, there was no, nothing in me, me and him were just about ready,
Mother Clare: Yeah.
Brother Mike: I got everything done, we made it back with the groceries-
Mother Clare: Yeah, right.
Brother Mike: The truck did not break; we were on a good note.
Mother Clare: Oh yeah.
Brother Mike: Wow.
Mother Clare: That is amazing.
Brother Mike: Yeah, that is scary.
Mother Clare: Ok, sweetheart.
Brother Mike: Let me give you a hug, I am going to take the books.
Mother Clare: Ok. I will show you where to put them, ok?
Brother Mike: Oh, ok.

Well, just a little side note on all of this, if you ever decide to live at nine thousand feet in the remote wilderness, you had better have a mechanic on board. First, he got the car stuck, which is kind of like a truck, because of the way it has modified it, because this-all this-is the spring thaw and it turns to squishy mud here when there is a spring thaw, and it is gushing down the mountain. And the mud gets very plastic, and you just sink in it.

So, first he got his car stuck, and then he got the tractor, to pull the car out, and the tractor got stuck! Oh, joy! So, this had been going on for like three days and it was quite an ordeal. We learned a lot, though, during it, but the best thing that we learned is how the enemy distorts conversations to set people up to be alienated with each other.

Dear ones, do not let this happen to you! Be careful!

And one note, Mike and I have been friends for a long time and all through that time, he has always said, ‘Yeah, I know you are mad at me.’ And most of the time it was not true, and he has found out when I am angry, he will know it. It is not anything like, that kind a mild reply, I get pretty upset. And I have only gotten angry I think only a couple of times, but the thing is, he interprets things as though I am put out with him and angry with him and now, we finally caught it, that there is some kind of a filter that the demons are using to cause the conversation to have a tone to it that is nothing like what it is in reality. Watch out for that, guys, this is one of Satan’s major tactics to alienate and divide.

God bless you, family.

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