The New Way to Get Real Estate Business

1 year ago

The New Way to Get Real Estate Business

Welcome, fellow entrepreneurs and social media enthusiasts, to another exciting chapter of our journey into the realm of digital engagement! Today, I had the pleasure of chatting with the remarkable Michelle Berman-Mikel, a trailblazing entrepreneur with a knack for igniting conversations that lead to business success. Together, we unraveled the secrets behind her revolutionary strategy—the legendary 4520 rule. So grab your pens, buckle up, and get ready for an epic adventure into the captivating world of Instagram engagement!

Michelle Berman-Mikel, a master of the art of engagement, captivated me with her groundbreaking concept—the 4520 rule. Tired of the time-consuming and often fruitless endeavor of cold calling, she sought a warmer and more effective way to connect with prospects. And boy, did she deliver!

Michelle's secret weapon? Instagram! Yes, you heard it right, my friends. This visual wonderland of captivating images and inspiring stories holds the key to your success. Michelle's 4520 rule revolves around making 45 comments and 20 story replies every day on Instagram, and she has witnessed firsthand the magic it can create.

Michelle believes in building a solid sales funnel, ensuring that by the time she picks up the phone, the conversation is already blazing with warmth and anticipation. This strategic approach is a game-changer for busy professionals, enabling them to maximize their limited time and focus on high-value conversations.

Now, here's where the fun truly begins. Michelle revealed how the 4520 rule can be tailored to fit various industries. As a speaker, she engages with event hosts and fellow speakers, fueling her speaking opportunities. And for real estate agents looking to sell more properties? They engage with individuals in specific niches, like mountain biking enthusiasts or other targeted groups. The possibilities are endless!

When it comes to implementing the rule on Instagram, Michelle shared some golden advice. Categorize your days and engage with relevant hashtags, geotags, and accounts associated with your target audience or interests. By connecting with the right people, you can build rapport and establish a prominent presence within your desired community. It's like painting a masterpiece of connections!

Remember, my friends, it's not just about amassing followers—it's about attracting the right ones. Michelle emphasized the importance of showcasing relevant content and engaging with individuals who share your passions and interests. By doing so, you create connections with a higher likelihood of blossoming into lucrative business opportunities. It's like finding your tribe in a sea of possibilities!

The essence of the 4520 rule lies in its power to prospect with intent and precision. By focusing on engaging with individuals genuinely interested in your niche or industry, you drastically increase your conversion rates. Even a slight improvement can lead to substantial financial gains, as Michelle passionately highlighted. So seize the day and make every connection count!

Michelle doesn't view Instagram as just another social media platform. No, my friends, she sees it as a scalable prospecting opportunity—an enchanted realm where professionals can build relationships and convert leads with remarkable effectiveness. Instagram becomes the gateway to warmer conversations, higher conversion rates, and ultimately, unprecedented business growth.

As we bid adieu to this exhilarating conversation with Michelle Berman-Mikel, let's take a moment to savor the wisdom she shared. The 4520 rule is a game-changing strategy, empowering professionals to engage with.

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