[WCT USA] - Semi-Final 1 - Hollywood Freerunners v GNF

3 years ago

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The first Semi-Final is a Group A rematch - Hollywood Freerunners v GNF. Their first matchup was one of the best matches of the event and this one doesn't disappoint!

The winner will take on with Apex or APK Grey in the Final.

Hollywood Freerunners - https://www.instagram.com/hollywoodfreerunner/
Omar Zaki - https://www.instagram.com/omarzaki0/
Kyle Soderman - https://www.instagram.com/minnesoderman/
Dale Smith - https://www.instagram.com/zion_ninja/
Antonio Allen - https://www.instagram.com/antonio.moves/
Justin Sweeney - https://www.instagram.com/justin_moves/
Miguel Diaz - https://www.instagram.com/migueldiazpk/

GNF - https://www.instagram.com/goingnowherefast_wct/
Seth Rujiraviriyapinyo - https://www.instagram.com/sethjumps/
Davis Vasconcellos - https://www.instagram.com/_davisvasconcellos_/
Jake Migliorato - https://www.instagram.com/jake__unknown/
Bear Schneider - https://www.instagram.com/bear.muvs/
Julius Porter - https://www.instagram.com/jewyjutsu/
Michael Dario - https://www.instagram.com/dario_tpk/

Keep Chasing and Don't Get Caught!!!!

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