Wayne Dupree: Your fight is our fight!

1 year ago

5/22/2023 【Nicole on Wayne Dupree’s Show】Wayne Dupree: Your fight is our fight! Miles Guo pointed out years ago that the CCP has infiltrated all aspects of the U.S., and the content on the official website of the New Federal State of China is enough to inspire Pulitzer Prize-winning reports from journalists. Yet the media are saying nothing, as many media outlets have been bought off! Nicole: We need America to stay strong and take down the CCP in this country!
#takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/22/2023 【妮可做客韦恩·杜普里秀的节目】韦恩·杜普里:你们的战斗就是我们的战斗!郭文贵先生几年前就指出,中共渗透了美国的方方面面,而新中国联邦官网里的内容足以让做媒体人写出能获得普利策奖的报道,而媒体却集体闭嘴,有太多媒体被收买了!妮可:我们要让美国继续强大并在美国消灭中共!
#消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
@waynedupreeshow https://nfscofficial.com/

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