American Patriot Versus Russian Kinzhal #patriotmissile #kinzhal

1 year ago

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American Patriot Versus Russian Kinzhal - 0:00
The Kinzhal Missile: A Brief Overview - 0:30
The Patriot Missile System: A Protector's Perspective - 1:21
The Clash of Titans - 1:56
Shift in the Global Defense Landscape - 4:19
Conclusion and Closing Remarks - 4:43

The global defense landscape has witnessed a significant shift in recent weeks as Ukraine claims to have intercepted several supposedly invincible Russian Kinzhal missiles. These interceptions came as Moscow announced that it had destroyed a US-made Patriot system with the same Kinzhal missile. This story of David and Goliath has raised numerous questions about the efficacy of the hypersonic missiles and the missile defense systems designed to intercept them.

The Kinzhal Missile: A Brief Overview.
The Kinzhal missile, known by its NATO reporting name "Killjoy," is an air-launched ballistic missile that Russia has been employing in Ukraine since March 2022. Launched from MiG-31K jets, it was part of Russia's advanced weapons unveiled in 2018. The missile, praised for its hypersonic speeds (around 10 times the speed of sound) and an estimated range of 1,250 miles, has been a significant force in Russia's military strategy. Russian President Vladimir Putin and General Valery Gerasimov, head of Russia's operations in Ukraine, have touted the Kinzhal as undefeatable and immune to the air defense capabilities deployed in Ukraine. However, Moscow's label of the missile as "hypersonic" has been criticized as misleading, with some experts asserting that the Kinzhal is not a truly hypersonic weapon but an air-launched ballistic missile with limited course-correction capacity.

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