Finding a nice batch of early Fiddleheads.

1 year ago

I went out for a walk on the trails to check conditions. Last year the fiddle heads came up very early in one location. The spot has now proven to be the early fiddle head hot spot. These are an amazing spring treat.

With anything your forage make sure it is the correct plant you are looking for. The Ostrich fern is the best one to get the fiddle heads from. They are nice and tender. When you look at the cut stem you will see a distinct U shape to the stock.

When preparing them make sure you give them a blanch in boiling water as the ferns contain a small amount of toxins that can upset your stomach. The blanching will remove that.

Cool them in butter and maybe if you like garlic toss a small amount in.

Enjoy and have fun finding some local foraged foods.

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