The Lord of the Rings - Radio Drama | The Battle of Pelennor Fields (Episode 11)

1 year ago

E11. Covering "The Return of the King"": Book 5 - Chapters 6-7-8-9; Book 6 - Chapter 1-2.

Frodo suddenly demands that Sam hand over the Ring, calling Sam a thief. Grabbing the Ring, Frodo apologized to Sam. Frodo and Sam outfitt themselves in Orc gear and climbed down the ladder. With the phial of Galadriel, the two hobbits move past the Watchers and out into Mordor. Suddenly, the terrifying cry of a Black Rider rent the sky above them.

Minas Tirith is attacked by an immense army. Denethor goes mad and tries to burn Faramir alive; he is saved by Gandalf; Denethor then sets fire to himself. They discover that Denethor has been using a palantir. The Riders of Rohan arrive to break the siege; Aragorn and an army of Gondor arrive by ship.

Merry, Faramir, Éowyn and many others are injured and placed in the houses of healing; Aragorn uses kingsfoil to help treat the injured. Sam and Frodo make their way into Mordor; they are captured by an orc company.

Aragorn holds a meeting of the lords in his tent outside the city. Gandalf tells the assembled captains that Mordor had not yet unleashed the greater part of its army. Though Minas Tirith had fought back the first assault, the next would be much stronger. In addition, the Ring of Power was now somewhere within the borders of Mordor. Should Sauron seize it, all hope would be lost. Gandalf suggested an assault on the Black Gate of Mordor, reasoning that it is impossible to defeat Mordor without destroying the Ring, and that the Eye of Sauron must be diverted from the Ring-bearer as long as possible. The Captains agree to this plan and they decide to send 7000 men against Mordor to march on the Black Gate.

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