How did a CCP company steal technology from FemtoMetrix and use it to set up a copycat company?

1 year ago

5/18/2023 【House Indo-Pacific Subcommittee Hearing】Alon Raphael, the CEO of FemtoMetrix, described how the CCP gradually and deliberately stole his company's technology and founded a copycat company called Weichong Semiconductor Group by using the stolen technology, turning it into the sole supplier of a strategic resource in the world. Weichong Semiconductor Group, which stole technology from FemtoMetrix, is a model of intellectual property theft in the US!
#CCP #decouple #economiccoercion #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/18/2023 【美国众议院印太小组听证会】FemtoMetrix公司的首席执行官阿龙·拉斐尔讲述了中共如何一步步窃取他的公司的技术,靠偷窃的技术建立了一家山寨公司--微崇半导体集团,并将其变成一家全球战略资源的唯一供应商。偷盗FemtoMetrix公司技术的微崇半导体集团是盗窃美国知识产权的典型代表!
#中共 #脱钩 #经济协迫 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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