TRI - 5/22/2023 - Reddit Rant - He Who Frames The Conversation, Wins.

11 months ago

Gov. Newsom grasps for national relevance in advance of the 2024 presidential race. With President Biden’s advanced age, there’s always a chance that the Democratic Party will need someone to step in, and Gov. Newsom wants to be the one to do it.

Today’s article relates to a letter that the Governor sent to publishers of academic textbooks, demanding they provide records regarding their dealings with Florida. Long story short, Florida education authorities have enacted rules about what textbooks they will approve, and if a publisher submits a textbook that the Florida authorities object to, they could lose the business selling those textbooks to Florida schools.

Gov. Newsom put his oar in the water, essentially threatening the publishers that if they abide by Florida regulation then California will not do business with them.

I see it as a transparent attempt for a governor from a very blue state to raise his national profile. What makes it kind of gross is the blatant moral grandstanding within the letter. Moral framing of an argument isn’t actually an argument in and of itself, but as every good debater knows, if you let your opponent frame the conversation, you’ve already lost.

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