Ep. 16 Part 1 - End Times / Armageddon. Mark 13: A Post Millennial Interpretation

1 year ago

Comment below if you agree or disagree with what we’re discussing. If you make some good points we'll let you call into the pod to discuss your points!

#endtimes, #armageddon, #endoftheworld, #rapture, #markofthebeast, #antichrist, #newjerusalem These aren’t just catch hashtags. They are also some pretty complex concepts that scholars and theologians have been discussing for millennia. It’s not just because they're bored and don't have anything better to do, but rather depending on how you perceive certain passages of scripture it will drastically effect how you understand the terms above as well.

There are a few primary perspectives on the end times which dominate the landscape. They are Pre-Millennial, Post-Millennial and A-Millennial. The most popular at the moment is Pre-Millennialism, but Post-Millennialism is closing in quickly!

In this episode we discuss the various views of the end times with our buddy Kamron, who is a hybrid Post / A-Millennialist. We will be primarily reading though Mark 13 in the #Bible which is one of the primary passages dealing with end times eschatology and arguably the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in AD 70.

This episode is broken down into 2 parts as it ran pretty long. Enjoy!

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