Dr. Buttar's Death - Poisoning, Foul Play - My advice to all health professionals!

11 months ago

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Very sad news - Dr. Rashid Buttar passed away on May 18, 2023 (apologizes if I mispronounced his name in the video - I wanted to get it up asap). I received the announcement from his clinic over the weekend since I'm on his mailing list. I knew immediately had to be foul play.

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After an interview on CNN, Dr. Buttar stated he had been poisoned : Here he is days ago saying he was intentionally poisoned with “200 times the dose” right after his CNN interview.


A longer interview with Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson: https://www.bitchute.com/video/stwHps1dkpxO/

My advice to all medical and health professionals who are in the spotlight - please heed this! I tried over a year ago reaching doctors in the media - no response. I know from being intentionally poisoned with high doses of arsenic and other heavy metals on how to survive and safely recover (was hit with over 600mcg/L of arsenic and high amounts of over 15 heavy metals !).

1) Do NOT go to the hospital! I knew intuitively but was also warned by my toxicologist during my last severe poisoning to not go to the hospital - especially because my suspects were in the medical and pharma fields and even the prior 2 times before that, I did not go to the hospital for treatment (I only twice went to my family doctor for a Quest or LabCorp tox test where arsenic showed toxic levels - but full results came through forensic testing).

I never was prescribed medication because I preferred to detoxify with proven natural and safe elements and use OTC meds like Pepto Bismol to control certain temporary uncontrollable problems such as diarrhea.

You also can control keeping supplements and OTC meds safe. Prescription medication can be tampered with by the pharmacist as happened to my family when our suspects were informed by a corrupt detective that I had filed a PD report on them.

Why avoid the hospital? You have no control over what happens to you; even if you say you want a Glutathione IV, you will have doctors around you not wanting to listen to you and you don't know who is being paid to harm you further - so you cannot trust going to the hospital and getting the proper, safe treatment to help you out.

NOTE: Dr Buttar admitted being in the ICU months ago and feels he received an injection with '200 times' the toxins in the CV shots. Whether it's true any of the toxins had something to do with snake venom - doesn't matter. Glutathione would have still protected him - I checked this out with a Ph.D. toxicologist.

2) Keep an adequate supply of Glutathione and activated charcoal with you at all times, AND keep those safe from possible tampering. Hit Glutathione hard if you have symptoms of poisoning! 2000mg in the morning, 2000mg in the evening and do this for at least a month before weaning down to 2000mg a day for another month. Activated charcoal is best taken 1 to 2 hours away from food/other meds and supplements (bedtime is best).

3) Dr Buttar admitted his poisoning occurred several days after a CNN interview. It is possible someone associated with CNN could have given Dr B a slow acting, slow release poison so symptoms did not show till several days later. My advice is also to avoid CNN for interviews until it is clear where his poisoning originated (if that can ever happen).

4) When eating out, and more than just your family knows you are there, keep some glutathione with you on your person (wrapped in a pocket or purse), and ask for a sealed bottle of water to rinse out the wine and water glasses before drinking out of them. It is preferable to avoid eating out, if you are at a public or a media event or at least go somewhere spur of the moment that no one ahead of time knows you are going to. Take 1000mg of glutathione at some point during the meal.

5) Don't make prior reservations to be at a particular restaurant and have those reservations known by staff or anyone outside of yourself. Try to choose a place to eat at that you can just go spur of the moment. My ex made the mistake of seeing an ex-girlfriend pretending to now just be a friend who was being paid by our suspects to keep poisoning him - he made fully known to her a particular restaurant date and location, so there was several days or more time to set up how to slow poison him during restaurant meals.

6) Do this starting NOW - Take a daily dose of 500mg to 1000mg of Glutathione for viral protection and keeping your body in a constant detoxifying position. Again, make sure your supplements are protected from any tampering.

7) Add VPN to your cell phone / all internet devices and a strong security software as well to your cell and communication devices. Use a cybersecurity company to check your lanlines (if any) for wire tapping.

I know traditionally trained doctors (M.D.s) prefer to use medication and hospitals to treat themselves but if you are in the public eye, and you are against Covid and other mRNA shots, right now we are all fighting a lot of dark people who don't have any morals, and all medical and health professionals need to be extremely cautious, especially those doing media interviews.

Plus throwing harsh medication like UC meds and steroids on top of poisoning makes symptoms worse.

For a helpful listing of supplements recommended by a top toxicologist for immunity support, viral protection and detoxification, go here : https://thepaladina.com/Health-Wellness-Orders.html

If you truly want to know what types of poisons you've been hit with, a forensic heavy metals and chemicals toxicity test is best - this bypasses nano and reveals all toxins in the body (hair test if symptoms more than 6 weeks; urine test if symptoms are new). We have affordable mail in test kits from Directlabs which you can discreetly order if you wish family, friends or colleagues not know you are testing yourself: https://directlabs.com/thepaladina or call 1-800-908-0000 and give order code R-PALA for any additional special discounts.

Example of a heavy metals tox test from a poisoning case: https://rumble.com/v2lcnaq-directlabs-forensic-toxicity-tests-at-even-lower-pricing-lets-stoptheshots.html

You can contact us separately at 1-888-307-6780 or email christine@thepaladina.com if you wish to discuss with us your results - we will give you a free analysis and detox consult, and your results stay confidential. We are HIPAA certified and we are insured through EMPA. We also have other labs that can assist you, if you live in NJ, NY and RI and cannot easily get a kit mailed to you.

Study on Glutathione and its ability to detoxify metals, pollutants, stress, other toxins and even alcohol: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4684116/

Study on Glutathione and how it protects from Covid-19: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7402141/

More helpful detox info: https://heavymetalpoisoncenter.com and our other detox Rumble videos.

Detox video pertaining to CV shots but pertains to any toxin: https://rumble.com/vuvcju-covid-19-long-haul-and-shot-adverse-effects-you-can-fully-heal.html

Glutathione in the form of bay leaf water can even be given to pets - our Bay Leaf water recipe is at https://www.heavymetalpoisoncenter.com/How%20to%20make%20Bay%20Leaf%20Water.pdf

Contact us at 1-888-307-6780 or email at christine@thepaladina.com if you need more in-depth consultation if taking certain meds and the need for emotional support and guidance (we've been there - we know what you are going through!)

Member: EMPA (insured practitioner); NAPH; Certified Facilitator, The Morter Institute; Certified Sacred Meditation Leader (Energy Healing). Over 45 years experience in researching toxicity, nutrition, exercise/sports, spiritual and overall wellness.

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I love you all and appreciate your support as I assist you in regaining and maintaining your health :-)

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