The Lord of the Rings - Radio Drama | The Voice of Saruman (Episode 8)

1 year ago

E08. Covering "The Two Towers": Book 3 - Chapters 8-9-10; Book 4 - Chapters 3-4 & "The Return of the King"": Book 5 -Chapters 2.

The company travel to Isengard, and see that it has been destroyed. At Isengard they find Merry and Pippin. Merry and Pippin tell the story of how the ents attacked Isengard, in amongst the ruins or 'flotsam and jetsam' of the city. Gandalf and Théoden go to Saruman's tower, Orthanc, and speak with him. Saruman has a very persuasive voice, which he almost uses to persuade Théoden and the others until Gandalf breaks Saruman's staff casts him from the order of wizards. Wormtongue throws the palantir of Orthanc from the tower, which misses Gandalf, and is picked up by Pippin. He is seen by Sauron. Gandalf explains the origin of the Palantir; Gandalf sets off with Pippin for Minas Tirith, riding on Shadowfax.

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli pass through the paths of the dead between Rohan and Gondor.

Frodo, Sam and Gollum reach the gate of Mordor, Gollum persuades them not to go in, and to head south. They reach the pleasant country of Ithilien but are captured by Boromir's brother, Faramir.

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