Marshall Chapman Third Interview on The Paul Leslie Hour

1 year ago

Are you here? Oh! Now, where are you? Some of you are in Key West, no doubt about it. Some of you are … somewhere else. Wherever you are, welcome to The Paul Leslie Hour.

We’ve got a really quick somewhat impromptu interview with singer-songwriter, author, actor and spoken word artist Marshall Chapman. Now, this is the third interview on this show with Marshall Chapman.

Paul called her up to talk about her time with Jimmy Buffett. The catalyst was the somewhat obscure, but brilliant song she co-wrote “Beyond the End,” from Buffett’s album Last Mango in Paris.

They didn’t waste any time getting into the question and answer. You’re going to love this casual talk with Miz Marshall. Check out her website would you? It’s

Oh and please keep in mind folks, The Paul Leslie Hour is made possible by viewers and listeners like you. Just go to And we thank you for being a patron of stories and the spoken word.

Okay, let’s listen together. If you wonder what they talked about, you’re about to find out.

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