MED-BED Model to be launched on Earth soon after FULL DISCLOSURE?!?!?! #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

PAUSE the Video at 35 seconds mark and read what this POD does for us...
Yes... MED-BEDS are REAL.

Proof: LEAKED Medical Bed demonstration video from a secret location

***It also treats C*NCER within approximately 15 minutes, read more below...
What are Med-Beds?
It is a Quantum Healing Therapy. Med Bed Healing Technology has been hidden away from humanity, these pod-like beds have healing capabilities for a wide range of diseases.
Depending on the bed, typically the bed scans your body much like an MRI, based on the readings it receives through AI (Artificial Intelligence), the computer determines what is going on inside your body and provides a diagnosis, based upon the diagnoses the technology proceeds to heal you.

These are also Regeneration Beds for human severed or deformed limbs or organ regeneration and replacement.

It treats C*NCER (irrespective of it's severity or stage) within approximately 15 minutes session, with no torture to the body.
It does it two ways depending on the situation:
1. It cures it by bringing back the healthy frequency to the c*ncer affected organ or area, read more below.
2. It cures it by working as "Orgone Accumulator", which concentrates Orgone energy or "Chi/Prana" life force energy, and this has an incredible effect on patients.
***In reality C*NCER is Amygdalin (Vitamin B17) deficiency which the Medical overlords don't want the world to know as that makes them Trillions of dollars.

Med-Beds also operate on human organ frequency and heals any ailment based on bringing the defective organ or system back to the healthy organ/system resonance frequency.

Will we start using Med-Beds soon?
This is going to be an UPHILL BATTLE with the entire Medical and Pharma overlords to bring this technology out as with this they are going to get a major multi Trillion dollar setback/loss and the entire C*ncer industry will lose it's sumptuous revenue too... it's won't be easy to roll it out... but as the Good Guys are in control now, we expect it to be out in public soon. May be, during the initial phases those overlords might allow us to use these on only special occasions... more to come...

A lil tidbit for you...
Do you know that the borders of the country are also being changed or a reorganization is happening.
Russia is taking back all Soviet states.
Turkey will become Turan which means states like
In Azerbaijan
In Kazakhstan
Australia and the Pacific Islands are joining the USA.
Hungary will be Great Hungary again...

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