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SLAVES, zombies

1 year ago

Most ppl are broken and demoralized. Making the few that fight back disheartened and depressed and disappointed in the failure of the majority of society.


  • 0/2000
  • It sucks to be the nail that sticks out . Bc you will get hammered. How manipulation works is only a majority needs to be brainwashed. Then the majority will basically destroy the only ones who fight for truth , justice and the future of humanity and earth. So what sucks is ppl are directly involved in destroying everything good in this world . They are so disillusioned they think they are right . Influence, peer pressure, tribalism and the sheep mentality is killing everything good in the world. Democracy and freedom amd justice is dead.

  • If the sheep want to allow poisons in our food air and water . If you all want to inject poisons into your bodies . Go ahead. Dont gaslight outcast and persecute the good ppl in society that care about the world. Watch how Hollywood and media push certain principles, ideas, and agendas. How they manipulate individuals to think what is normal what is acceptable what is successful what to do to be accepted and loved and admired . I can tell u being hated being ignored being outcast and alone is a terrible feeling. Having nobody to talk to. Beimg alone always is the worst . Solitary confinement was deemed inhumane and the majority of society punishes the good ppl with this " Black mirror " isolation psychological attack . 90% of humanity is inherently evil and these brainwashed fools are killing everything good in the world

  • Go into any store, hotel, food establishment. You will have the news on the TV . This isnt a coincidence. Mass psychosis. Pushing propaganda on a scale never seen before. Laudry mat Tv is pishing news propaganda. Ppl watch it believe it and push the principles, ideas, and beliefs the propaganda machine pushes. This creates a very hard life for the good ppl in society