Debating the Current US Dietary Guidelines: A Panel Discussion with Colette & Kristin

1 year ago

In this episode, we have an engaging and informative panel discussion with Colette Heimowitz from Quest & Atkins and Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietician, as we dive deep into the current United States dietary guidelines. We discuss the usefulness of these guidelines, the challenges that come with creating them, and how we can improve them. Our panel also delves into recommendations for all three macronutrients, providing listeners with expert advice on how to eat a healthy and balanced diet. This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in nutrition, health, and wellness, and sheds light on the complexities of creating dietary guidelines at a national level

#USdietaryguidelines #nutritiondebate #macrorecommendations #healthylifestyle #dieticianpanel #governmentguidelines

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