Call of Duty BO3 Ocean Pier Apartment custom zombies map

1 year ago

Map created by cerbere974

A Mirror's Edge-Inspired Map
You just woke up from a loud bang coming from your chamber's wall.
Turns out dangerous K-SEC agents have broken down your wall!
You go down your kitchen door to find the exit but you find yourself surrounded by some more agents coming from both the corridor and elevator.
Now, all you can do is try to survive with your old bedside table gun while a friend of yours is trying to hack Kruger's Security Protocol and help you with a Human-sized drone.
Now you're on your own! don't forget your shoes...

This map has no buyable door, everything you need is there Wunderfizz, PaP, Quick Revive, and Mystery Box!

Zombies are running at full speed to increase difficulty.

This is pretty much a survival map, feel free to go to the highest round you can and share your score on youtube

-Buyable Ending - 50K points
-Madgaz HUD
-Zombie NRC Models
-Free Perk EE
-SoE crew
-Infinite Warfare Weapons port
-Advanced Warfare Weapons port

All COD basic perks are here
-Elemental Pop
-Electric Cherry
-Widows Wine
-Fast Reload
-Quick Revive
-Double Tap
-Who's Who
-Vulture's Aid
-PhD Flopper
-Additional Weapon

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