May 7 2023: Wheat and the Weed

1 year ago

Parables: Wheat and the Weeds
Pastor Matt Haflett
Matthew 13:24-43

1. Growing Together.
• Jesus is the Sower; the word is the field.
• Christians and non-Christians live, work, and grow together.
• We’re not to take away, fight, or destroy those who are not believers.

2. God Sows, as does the enemy.
• God sows, works to raise up Godly men and women (john 6:44)
• The enemy sows in the weeds, using power and influence in this world. (1 John 5:19)
• We are wheat, the weeds are under control of the evil one, and we are not to pull them up until His harvest. (Luke 6:35)

3. Vengeance is His. (Romans 12:19-21)
• Our part is to love, show kindness and generosity.
• All the sin in the world will be dealt with, but it is Gods part to judge and punish.

4. With fear and Trembling.
• Are you bearing fruit with the gift of salvation that God has given you? (John 15:16, Phil. 2:12)
• Is there evidence in your life that you’re walking with Jesus?

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