April 23 2023: Parable of the Sower

1 year ago

Parables: Parable of the Sower
Pastor Matt Haflett
Luke 8:4-8,11-15

1. The Seed on the Path.
• Though they hear the word, evil takes away truth before it can take root. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

2. The Seed on the Rock
• They hear the Word, but quickly fall away. They seem to be saved only to fall when trials come.
• There is a lack of trust and faith. They don’t lean on God to help get them through.
• Men or Women of God must not fear bad news. (Psalm 112:7, 33:4, 62:8)

3. The Seed in the Thorns
• They seem to have a relationship with God, but the thorns (cares, riches, pleasures of life) choke them out.
• A thorn often grows on a beautiful flower. If you try to pick the flower, you are stabbed by the thorn.
• When you reach for something pleasurable in this world, it often comes with a thorn in the side.

4. The Seed in Good Soil.
• They have the Word growing in their heart. Whose hearts were broken over sin and have been wrecked by the love of Jesus despite it. (Psalm 34)
• Don’t give up. Keep talking about Jesus, share the gospel. Pray for the seed of the gospel to fall on good ground in people’s hearts.

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