7 Toxic Personalities | Stay Away for Your Mental Health!

1 year ago

Hello friends, today we analysed 7 toxic personalities that we often encounter with our environment. If you can't help these people get better, stay away from them. Because as long as we are with harmful people, we are also negatively affected. Insha'allah this video will be useful for you.

00:00 Intro
00:34 7th Person (Self-centred/Arrogant people)
01:53 6th Person (Those who think of themselves as experts)
02:49 5th Person (Pessimistic, negative people)
03:57 4th Person (Backbiters/gossipers)
05:16 3th Person (Those who complain a lot)
06:20 2th Person (Lazy people)
09:12 1th Person (Flaw finder)

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