League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Xayah

1 year ago

TF, Shaco, Veigar, Zeri, and Ahri

Lulu, Lissandra, Malz, Xayah, and Camille

0:00 Start
We were all pretty squishy but we had an enchanter. Veigar went tanky for their team.

1:08 First Blood Fight
Malz was damaged to pretty low health and then was stunned and skilled.

2:28 First death
I got to pretty low hp and Shaco flashed after me. Almost got away still =).

10:27 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
Killed TF under tower while we destroyed it. Lot of back and forth so early game was even.

11:18 T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
14:42 T2 Tower and Inhibitor Destroyed - Blue
17:24 Nexus Towers Destroyed - Blue
19:30 T2 Tower Destroyed - Red
They started making a little comeback.

21:08 Red Inhibitor Destroyed

We then ended the game after a couple of teamfights

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