The U.S. should prohibit American funding for the CCP's technological development

1 year ago

5/18/2023 【House Indo-Pacific Subcommittee Hearing】American economist Dr. Derek Scissors: In order to protect technology, the U.S. should not only disallow technology purchases by the CCP but also prohibit American funding for the CCP's technological development. The U.S. will make the CCP aware of the serious consequences of stealing American intellectual property.
#CCP #decouple #economiccoercion #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/18/2023 【美国众议院印太小组听证会】美国经济学家德里克·西瑟斯博士:为了保护美国的技术知识产权,美国应该在不允许中共国购买技术的同时,还需要禁止美国的资金资助中共国的技术开发。美国会告诉中共,偷盗美国人的知识产权的后果会很严重!
#中共 #脱钩 #经济协迫 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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