America should take three steps to respond to the CCP's economic coercion

1 year ago

5/18/2023 【House Indo-Pacific Subcommittee Hearing】Congresswoman Young Kim said that America should take three steps to respond to the CCP's economic coercion: first, cease transferring American funds and technology to the CCP; second, increase the cost for the CCP to sustain its current economic system; and third, establish a coalition of countries in the Indo-Pacific region to act in concert against the CCP's economic coercion.
#CCP #decouple #economiccoercion #takedowntheCCP #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
5/18/2023 【美国众议院印太小组听证会】众议员金映玉女士表示,美国应对中共经济胁迫要有三步,第一:停止对中共输送资金和技术;第二:加大中共维持现行经济体系的成本;第三:在印太地区建立同盟采取一致行动对抗中共经济胁迫
#中共 #脱钩 #经济协迫 #消灭中共 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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