How to Pass ANY Software Interview [Crush The Competition]

1 year ago

🌹 Senior Engineer Equipment Setup

Vid Coming Soon

Full-stack clone of Instagram (my junior portfolio project): [](

Free crypto news aggregator:

**Interview Questions**


**Algorithm training**

Codewars: [](

LeetCode: [](

My personal LeetCode profile: [](

Glassdoor: [](


If you are up for parole, make sure you see the judge after lunch!

Roy F. Baumeister, Where has your willpower gone?, New Scientist, Volume 213, Issue 2849, 2012, Pages 30-31, ISSN 0262-4079.

Participants who had eaten lunch were more cooperative and less competitive in a social dilemma game compared to those who had not eaten.

Van Kleef, G. A., van den Berg, H., & Wansink, B. (2014). The dinner is in the detail: The role of individual (sensory) expectations and suggestion in the placebo response to a new weight loss product. Appetite, 77, 40-46.


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