High Quality Radio Recordings | Those Were The Days | Saturday, May 21st 1977

1 year ago

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ALDRICH FAMILY (2-18-43) Henry and
Homer collect books for the Victory Book
Drive. (25 min)

JUNGLE JIM (1940s) Nazi baddies use a toy
catalog to send vital defense information back
home! (15 min)

OUR SPECIAL GUEST is announcer and
former war correspondent BILL BALDWIN
who reminisces about his radio career and his
assignment during World War II. (35 min)

D-DAY BROADCAST (6-6-44) Reporter
George Hicks covers the scene in a chilling
testimonial to the horror of war. ((13 min)

KRAFT MUSIC HALL (6-8-44) Bing Crosby,
Marilyn Maxwell, the Charioteers, john Schott
Trotter and the orhcestra and guest Cecil
B. DeMille. (30 min)

Blondell stars in "Chicago, Germany" a play
by Arch Oboler suggesting what life in Chicago
would be like if Germany wins the war. (14 min)

Comes to Adolph Hitler" starring Lon Clark
as Hitler. (30 min)

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