Hisatsinom, The Ancient Ones - Four Corners Region - Anasazi = Ancient Enemy

1 year ago

From the time of Christ, The Anasazi Indians lived in the Four Corners country-that Southwestern region of the United States where Colorado, Arizona, Utah and New Mexico came together... and then they mysteriously vanished. What they left behind are massive stone cities crouched low on mesa tops, nestled in natural caves and along sheer canyon walls. These are some of the oldest, largest and most beautiful prehistoric ruins in North America.

This splendid National Park Service film captures the serene, awesome, legendary spirit of the Indian dwellings at Chaco Canyon, Betatakin, Mesa Verde, Canyon de Chelly, Aztec and other exciting sites in San Juan system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VBbKXRUjBes

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