Dangers Watching Pornography

1 year ago

The enemy is using this same technology [Internet] to destroy many. Now, The GOD of all creations; The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, YHWH is not limited by distance and can use any medium to manifest HIS Glory to the captive.

In Matthew 8:8, the Roman Centurion said to Christ Jesus, “Speak the WORD and my servant shall be healed” – and it was so at that very moment. Only a Word from Christ Jesus was needed to bring an incredible miracle which defied human comprehension! As the Bible says in Mark 9:23 – “Everything is possible to him who believes”.


Testimony | Delivered from the Bondage of Lust

Hello, my name is Nanise, 20 years of age and from Papua New Guinea.

I've been in the bondage of Phonography for 3 years which leads to masturbation.

I could not get away with it as it affected my education; my learning in class and my relationship with God Almighty. I feel uninterested reading the Bible and my Prayer life was very weak; until I came across Invisible War Army on Facebook.

I joined Raphael Rabbi and asked him to pray for me on 12th May 2023. And after the 12th May, I am no longer watching phonography; even not interested at all. The urge has completely gone.

I stand to testify the mighty power of God who delivered me from the spirit of lust..

Thank You Jesus. I am free. I am a new creation in God, no turning back...Hallelujah. Jesus may your name be glorified over this generations.

Thank You Raphael Rabbi and Invisible War Army. Thank you Jesus!


When I shared my testimony on the 20th May 2023; I received a text message back from Raphael Rabbi to receive the Holy Spirit now! immediately, my hands started shaking; my whole body and I couldn't stand on my feet anymore

Not long after ; Raphael Rabbi called me;

Watch and listen to the greatness of our LORD Jesus Christ delivering me completely through prayer

I am totally free from the spirit of Lust in Jesus Christ name!


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Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path [Psalms 119:105].

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