Episode 39 - Heritage Quilts, History Podcasts, Mail & More

7 years ago

Published Jan 20, 2008


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1890 census: visit the National Archives pages

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Diana Larson wrote to recommend the American Girl Collection: 

"The American Girls Collection books are a great way for children (and adults) to learn about children living through different periods in American historyâAlthough the stories themselves are fictional, they are thoroughly researched, and each book concludes with a brief section containing factual information, photographs, and artwork about that particular time period..."

Cathy Paris wrote in about the podcast.  View her family history videos about her dad, Gil Merrill born in 1913 in Franklin, NH

EMAIL LISA at the Genealogy Gems Podcast

The Genealogy Reviews Online Blog

GEM: Lisa's History Podcast Picks

Binge Thinking HistoryBy Tony CocksWebsite: http://bingethinkinghistory.libsyn.com/

Dan Carlinâs  Hardcore History Website: http://www.dancarlin.com/

Digging for the Truth by the History ChannelJosh Bernstein is the host of this series on the History Channel.  Season One.   2005.    4 episodes.  http://www.history.com/minisites/diggingforthetruth/Season Two 2006.  12 episodes

Great Moments in History - by John G. Stockmyer. 10 episode free audio book published as a podcastWebsite:  http://www.podiobooks.com/title/great-moments-in-history

History According to Bob  Website: http://www.summahistorica.com/Bobâs website devoted to WWI history:

The History CapsuleWebsite:  http://www.mystery-otr.net/mpir-radio/

History Center - From the History ChannelWebsite: http://www.history.com/media.do?id=hc_podcast213_immigration&action=clip

History In Our Time - BBC Radio 4http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/history/inourtime/

Historyzine: The History Podcast by Jim MowattWebsite:  http://historyzine.com/

Journeys into American History by Dennis Humphreypresents history through Old Time Radio programs.  Website:  http://www.podango.com/podcast.php?podcastId=395

Just Another Day - The History Channel videocast hosted by Adam Hart-Davis.  Also How London Was Built & History in the Headlines.  Website: http://www.thehistorychannel.co.uk/site/podcasts/podcasts.php


Mattâs Today in History

Website:  http://mattstodayinhistory.blogspot.com/

My History Can Beat Up Your Politics Podcast

Website:  http://myhistorycanbeatupyourpolitics.blogspot.com/


The National Archives Podcast SeriesPodcast Website:  http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/rss/podcasts.xmlNational Archives Website:  http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/

Tudor Cast by Laura EakinsWebsite:  http://tudorhistory.org/podcast/


Abilene and Taylor County, Texas History PodcastStories , legends, and tales b David GibsonWebsite:  http://abilenetexashistory.com/

DELWARE:  This Day in Delaware History.  Brief historical facts from the first state in the Union compiled by the Deleware Archives.  Website:  http://www.delaware.gov/

INDIANA:  Moments of Indiana HistoryProduced by WFIU Public Media in Bloomington, IN.Website: http://momentofindianahistory.org/

MINNESOTA:  Almanac: Hands on History Twin Cities Public TelevisionWebsite:  http://tpt.org/history/

MISSOURI:  Missouri Irish History and Legend: Ireland to AmericaWebsite:  http://www.irishroots.com/podcast2/rss.xmlFrom Michael O'Laughlin of the Irish Roots Podcast

OZARKS:  Shiloh Museum of Ozark HistoryThe Museum is located in Springdale, Arkansas  Website:  http://shilohcast.blogspot.com/

PENNSYLVANIA:  Explore PA HistoryWebsite:  http://witf.org/FM/podcasts.phpProduced by WITF radio in Pennsylvania, this podcast covers a wide range of topics and at last count had 66 episodes!

SAN FRANCISCO:  Sparkletack The San Francisco History PodcastWebsite:  http://www.sparkletack.com/

Valley Forge History & CultureBy the National Park Service.  Website:  http://www.nps.gov/vafo

GEM:  Heritage Quilts 


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