The Authenticity of The Bible: Part 1

1 year ago

📝 DESCRIPTION 📝: Since the age of the "enlightenment" and the introduction of science and technology, mankind has fallen away from almost countless religious faiths and teachings much more broadly in today's world than ever before. From humanism to transcendentalism, from nihilism to communism, from agnosticism to atheism, Gnosticism and mysticism, transhumanism, and more, the hearts and minds of humankind have struggled more now than ever to find identity in the reality around them. In a world where truth is no longer another practical synonymous aspect of fact, but is now something entirely subjective in the secular view, we find ourselves bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information, and informants, telling us what we should believe; telling us what is true, and what isn't true. Sometimes, everything is true, that is the the odd part. Even the church itself has experienced multiple schisms throughout history as different schools of thought, perspective, and interpretation prevail between communities.

One of the most significant sources of truth, especially in the west, is that of the Judeo-Christian worldview, and the reality of the scriptures. For thousands of years, there has been a constant war between the followers of this culture and the holy book that inspires it, and those who would live their lives in other ways and for themselves.

Today, despite us being in the year 2023, after so many centuries of so-called enlightenment, humanity has actually proven itself to have become more and more confused and conflicted. The soundness of mind and truth seems to evade so many people in today's world. But, is there an absolute raw reality, and is there universal truth that speaks for that reality? Is the bible true in everything it says, the light in the dark with or answers? Or is the world true in everything it has said long after the fact?

Join me in my first 3-part series called "The Authenticity of the Bible", as I embark on a journey to uncover the answers to some of the most complicated and popularized theories about the Holy Bible and the worldview and faith it proclaims. Is it still true? Or has science truly cast down religion and the bible? Lest find out.

Part 1: Is the Bible Divinely Inspired?

🪪 LICENSING & DISCLAIMER 🪪: "Creative Commons Attribution: Free to use, share, and edit commercially", and "Fair Use Licensing for purposes of education, commentary, and review".

This video is for educational purposes only! United States Federal Law allows citizens to reproduce, distribute or exhibit portions of copyrighted motion pictures, video tapes, or video discs under certain circumstances without authorization of the copyright holder. This is called "Fair Use" and is allowed for purposes of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody, which doesn't infringe of copyright under 17 USC 107.

💳 CREDITS & ATTRIBUTIONS 💳: TV/film clips from The Bible, The Chosen, The Son of Man, The Passion of the Christ, The Ten Commandments, and assorted YouTube videos and engine searches. All music is from Feslian Studios, who you can find here:

Aside from the words spoken in this video from my own research, script, and information gathering, I claim no ownership or proprietorship of any content within this production.

🉑 SOCIAL MEDIA 🉑: I am currently limiting the social media I run at the moment, since this is a one-man project. But, be on the lookout for new additions in the future! I will update this video description with new links if/when I add more. In particularly, I invite you to join my official Discord community which has just gone live ahead of my video release. It is fully laden and ready for community. Hope to see you there!


🧾 Chapters 🧾:

00:00 - Introduction
00:53 - Science vs. Religion
06:00 - Authenticity of the Bible
36:26 - Fulfilled Messianic Prophecies
47:41 - Closing Statements

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