The Lord of the Rings - Radio Drama | The Breaking of the Fellowship (Episode 6)

1 year ago

E06. Covering "The Two Towers": Book 3 - Chapters 1-2-3-4-5 & Book 4 - Chapter 1:

E06. Covering "The Two Towers": Book 3 - Chapters 1-2-3-4-5 & Book 4 - Chapter 1:

Aragorn finds Boromir wounded with with many orc-arrows; Boromir tells him that orcs had taken Merry and Pippin alive. Boromir dies, and Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli send his body down the stream on a 'funeral boat.' The 'Three Hunters' set forth to track the Uruk-hai who had captured Merry and Pippin. They follow the trail of the orcs and find several clues as to what happened with the hobbits, then meet a company of Rohirrim led by Éomer, who tell them that the orcs were destroyed and none were left alive. They camp near the site of the orc massacre.

Merry and Pippin flee into Fangorn Forest as the orcs are attacked by the men of Rohan. Merry and Pippin meet Treebeard the Ent, who calls an Entmoot, a gathering of Ents in Derndingle. The hobbits meet another ent, Quickbeam. The ents decide at the entmoot after three days, to attack Isengard. Gollum joins Frodo and Sam, after Sam captures him. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli, who discover signs that the hobbits escaped the orcs into the forest. They meet an old man, who they at first presume to be Saruman, but who turns out to be Gandalf. They set off for Edoras.

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