Deborah Hamilton: Coerced Moderna jab, medical negligence killed my daughter Natalie Boyce (21)

1 year ago

Deborah Hamilton testifies in parliament how her fit and healthy daughter, Natalie Boyce (21), was killed by the Moderna jab that she neither needed nor would have taken if it weren't for the Nuremberg Code breaking mandates.

Natalie is officially recognized by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA, Australian equivalent of FDA) as the 14th Australian to be killed by the COVID jab.

She had two Pfizer jabs in 2021 followed by the Moderna jab in 2022 which killed her.

Deborah is triple COVID-vaxxed and her children have had all their regular childhood injections.

Both Natalie's university and her part time employer, SG Fleet, forced her to take a known and significant medical risk by taking a medically unnecessary injection which protects no one, least of all others.

Natalie became severely ill the day after getting her Moderna jab.

When Deborah sought medical help for her daughter, the COVID hotline proved useless, and the GP and hospital misdiagnosed her with a minor ailment (acid reflux) without doing required tests.

When Natalie was hospitalized, her mother was not allowed to support her child in the hospital despite being triple vaxxed and following all other medically useless government rules and mandates. The 'strange' thing is that other patients *were* allowed support and visitors.

Doctors remarked that they saw a lot reactions like Natalie's after COVID jabs, especially "a messy looking liver on ultrasound", but did nothing for her.

The Victorian sick care system turns out to be in absolute shambles, but graduates are unable to get a job. The government clearly has oceans money to buy obscenely profitable experimental jabs and promote them, but not for care staff and necessary medical equipment.

Natalie's health gradually worsened while in hospital due to her jab. Her heart and kidneys were failing and she had blood clots in her leg. She required ECMO (Extra-Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation), which is the most intensive form of life-support, reserved for only those in the most dire condition. This treatment caused injury to her spinal cord, which would have left her paralyzed had she survived.

She died on March 27, 2022, 5 weeks after her injection. Her death certificate states that she had myocarditis and that she died of a myocardial infarction.

Even when Natalie was clearly dying, her triple-vaxxed mother was only allowed to visit her for one hour a day.

In sharp contrast, when Dan Andrews, premier of Victoria was in the same hospital, he was allowed visitors whenever he wanted. Rules for thee, but not for me. All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.

The communication of the hospital toward Deborah was appalling. Natalie had been resuscitated multiples and been put on dialysis, but nobody had bother to inform her mother.

The coroner refused to do an autopsy "unless it were in the public's interest". It's clear how an autopsy of someone who died from the same 'vaccine' the government promoted, mandated, and profited from is not in the GOVERNMENT'S interest, but why it's not in the PUBLIC's interest is a mystery.

Deborah will not receive a coroner's report until 2023 and her request to preserve Natalie's tissues has gone unanswered.

Deborah and Natalie made the fatal mistake of trusting mainstream media's 'safe and effective' propaganda. Had they done their own research and thinking and/or listened to the 'conspiracy theorists', Natalie would still be alive.

Of the 985 reported 'vaccine'-related deaths, the TGA has only acknowledged 14 (1.42%) as (likely) caused by the injection. Could it be that the TGA is not there to protect the public, but government and pharmaceutical interests? In other words, are they captured?

The vaccine compensation scheme is a disgraceful. Most of the injured people can't access it, processing times are ridiculous and most claims are rejected. Furthermore, the rules are being changed AFTER injuries have already occurred (and probably not to the benefit of the injured).

Mandatory medical procedures such as compulsory 'vaccinations' are illegal and unethical. They are overreach by governments, employers and others. Whoever pushes for the procedures is a criminal and an accomplice to all injuries and deaths caused by the procedure.

Natalie's unnecessary death has destroyed her mother and 23 year old brother Hayden. The medical negligence and cruel treatment by not allowing her to visit her dying daughter, obviously makes things much worse.


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