TC creator review : John Lordan

1 year ago

This week’s true crime creator review is of “the man” (really, the only man in tc I consistently watch) John Lordan of #lordanarts

He’s a dedicated voice for victims & their families, never exploitative, rarely graphic but exceptionally detailed.

I wasn’t going to post this for a while, but for reasons I’ll hopefully explain soon, I wanted to get it done.

The hardest working person in the field his series include Brainscratch, Case cracked, Search light, flashlight, Seriously mysterious (& it’s live recording counterpart 👠Secret studio👠), 3 men & a mystery, Uncovered & Crime after crime
And, he’s among the tc YouTubers who can now be found on Roku.

The rubric score 99%

Audio/Video (10)
Research (18)
Respect (18)
Empathy (18)
Intent (18)
Presence (17)

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