You are being lied to by the dog training industry about correcting your dog

1 year ago

You’ll often hear out there that ANY sort of correction or aversive toward your dog will completely ruin your relationship. Your dog will lose trust in you, be afraid of you, the list goes on.

Weirdly enough we have never seen this happen, and that’s after rehabbing thousands of dogs all over the world. We only see the bond and the relationship get BETTER from giving dogs clarity.

Now, if the only thing we did was correct dogs then sure, they’d probably be afraid of us. But are doing way more than that.

We are living and training with these dogs 24/7. We are showing them both sides of the coin. We are using positive reinforcement 99% of the time to pattern the behaviors we do want. We are doing activities with the dogs. We are living and bonding with them.

We aren’t just correcting them until they do what we want. That aurally makes zero sense. You can’t correct a dog for somethjng it doesnt know. No correction will put a new behavior into a dogs head. *insert common sense here*

So if you’re struggling with any sort of behavioral issues with your dog, and you’re wondering if stopping these behaviors will hinder your relationship, let this post be the confirmation that it will NOT!

Teach your dog what you want and what you don’t want. It’s only fair!

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