Ministers - The Key to an Effective Work

1 year ago

I've been working with numerous leaders across the body of Christ. Some are planting churches, others launching ministries, others an ARC and still others seek to establish a league (church in a city or region). In this context I heard Jonathan Cahn share some insight from a Hebraic mindset regarding the sun/Son and the moon and how the moon only reflects the sunlight.

As he shared he said that the colors we don't see, are absorbed by the object. The only color we see, is the light that is reflected or given. That is the way the work of God is. The work of God is not what we keep inside us, but rather what flows or shines from us.

The work of God is what we give or what we reflect to others. In this short video I'll share my musings which include my thoughts on how self centered I find much of our worship and ministry instead of focusing on our heavenly Father. In this, I'll share some scriptures that underscore the key to an effective long term work in Christ.

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